Sunday has come, let’s go to Hue Imperial City

Perhaps Sunday is the day for people to rest and enjoy life. For us, Sunday is an opportunity to explore new things. On the first Sunday of 2024, AET and the students from Hai Que visited the Bao La village, a traditional craft village in Vietnam famous for its exquisite and unique bamboo weaving products.

Our impression of the village was its age of over 600 years and more than 1000 products, creating over 500 different designs. Here, the students had the chance to visit the exhibition area showcasing a wide range of products and even experience bamboo weaving themselves. AET observed their meticulousness, perseverance, and saw their bright smiles when they found it incredibly interesting.

And finally, what we had been looking forward to arrived, “let’s enter the Hue Imperial City”. The students were thrilled to talk to international guests, play games, and even wanted to meet me again. They completely charmed AET.

It was also the first tour of 2024, a tour filled with energy and smoothness throughout the journey. That’s what we hope for in the upcoming tours of 2024. Lastly, AET want to express our sincerest gratitude to Mrs. Huyen, the esteemed parents, and the lovely students of Hai Que. See you all soon!

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