Let’s discover Hue with AET

Monday is the first day of the week, what do you usually do? As for AET and the students from Vinh Linh and Dong Ha, they went on a tour to dreamy Hue. We enjoy an extremely energetic and refreshing first day of the week!

Early in the morning of August 12, the students woke up very early and set off together to Hue. On that bus, although a bit bewildered, AET felt that they were very energetic. Everyone participate and respond to the activities from the Tour Leaders!

Bao La Bamboo and Rattan Craft Village

The first place was Bao La Bamboo and Rattan Weaving Village. When they arrived, they were able to visit and were surprised by such beautiful products that were completed by hand! After that, everyone was excited and looking forward to experiencing themselves as an artisan making one of those products. Despite the hot weather, each of them was serious and tried their best to complete their product. When holding the finished product of a bamboo and rattan fan in their hands, they felt: “Ah! This is not an easy job at all.” Therefore, each of them cherished their finished product and kept it carefully.

Communicate English with foreigners

The most special thing when mentioning each AET tour is the English communication activity with foreigners! For AET, this is an extremely meaningful activity, marking the first step to becoming confident in learning English when experiencing this activity for the first time. For that reason, some of them were a bit shy and awkward at first, but after a while of adapting and talking with tourists, they believed in themselves more and felt more comfortable communicating. So, you guys left a big impression on them with your enthusiasm and energy! Although the afternoon activities were a bit difficult due to the weather, it did not stop you from chatting with foreign tourists under the canopy and the raindrops falling outside. Therefore, AET feels that you guys have tried to develop yourself no matter what time it is!

Do you want to continue staying in Hue?

Just like that, your day in Hue has come to an end, moreover, at the end of the Tour, when the Tour Leader asked: “Do you want to continue staying in Hue?”, you guys did not hesitate to say: “Yes!” That also shows that you guys are very regretful about saying goodbye to Hue city and still have a lot of energy left. AET thinks that you guys should keep that energy for the next Tour!

Finally, AET would like to thank the parents who accompanied their children and always trusted them to send their students on the Tour to Hue yesterday! See you students on the next tours, see ya!

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