Students from Quang Tri, Quang Ngai and Da Nang join the Binh Dinh Tour

Day two begins with a buffet breakfast with a wonderful view of Quy Nhon’s sea and mountains. The students will have the opportunity to admire the city from above and enjoy delicious dishes to prepare for a new day with 200% energy.

The first destination is the Quy Nhon Space Science Discovery Center, the only science center in Vietnam. From the car, the students talked about their favorite subjects, such as mathematics, physics, history, geography,… And then, from science to life, everything is present in this destination in a vivid visual way. During 3 hours, they have explored most of the galleries, experienced models and experiments, and learned about phenomena in our lives. On those faces is excitement, passion for discovery, and learning from what they have seen, introduced, and experienced. Ad is sure that they have also gained a lot of interesting knowledge in this place.

An indispensable activity on the AET Tour, as well as the highlight of each journey, is practicing English with international tourists. Since yesterday, the students have had the opportunity to practice on the ship with tourists; today is the same. In the airy space, the sea breeze rustling, they and the tourists shared about the topics of culture, cuisine, tourism, etc. The faces that were worried and a little scared have become more confident than ever, smiling brightly to take pictures with the tourists!

The colorful night market is always a very attractive place for students, with countless toys, souvenirs, and snacks. After shopping, let’s go back to the hotel to rest.

A day with so many interesting and new things, and this journey certainly cannot stop here. So let’s wait and see day 3 in the land of martial arts and literature!!!

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