Hue Tour 18.06.2024 – Discovering Hue

“Vietnam, our homeland, is so beautiful.
Despite the heavy smoke and fire that trample the years
Vietnamese people have brown skin and black eyes.
The fragrant grass is as indomitable as a lotus branch.”

Perhaps AET was truly moved when we heard the emotional and proud songs from the students of Hue Tour 18/6. The songs were sung throughout the trip, filled with laughter. Carrying national pride, the students visited Bao La Bamboo and Rattan weaving village—one of the famous villages that has existed for nearly 600 years in Hue. The students were able to weave beautiful fans by hand to blow away the heat of summer.

In the afternoon, the bus carrying the 18 students entered the Imperial City and participated in practicing English communication with foreign tourists. Perhaps they overcame their initial shyness and hesitation to comfortably chat with the tourists. After each conversation, they gave the tourists a beautiful song about our country.

Finally, AET would like to thank parents for their trust and thank Ms. Nhiem for connecting students to AET so that we have the opportunity to accompany you on special trips. See you again on tours to other lands.

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